+ 24 HOURS
The day a baby is born is the most dangerous day of life in rich and poor countries. Babies born too soon are at risk for hypothermia, breathing difficulties, infections and impaired development.
Be a catalyst for change – Be a baby’s lifeline
Each newborn has the promise of a life – of love, family and achievement. In Vietnam, many children never get the change to live beyond their first day, and the promise is lost.
Every nurse we teach teaches 10 more
We bring best-practice care, education and systems to Vietnam, from the farthest rural areas to the busiest city maternity hospitals
Ensuring newborn survival, one minute at a time
From the moment they’re born until they are safe at home, a baby’s first month carries the highest risk
New lives are counting on YOU
Let’s celebrate every life – together.
It only takes one day to jeopardise the gift of life
Help us ensure newborn survival – run, bike, hike, DONATE today!
Many newborns die even after admission to a higher-level hospital, the long travel distances is a major factor in poor outcomes. Our precious newborns need medical and nursing teams trained to stablise […]