The Round the World Clipper race is one of the biggest challenges of the natural world and an endurance test like no other. With no previous sailing experience necessary, it’s a record breaking 40,000 nautical mile race around the world on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht. The Vietnamese
Da Nang is a first-time Team Sponsor in the 2015 race the City’s aim is to benefit from the race’s high profile global platform to boost international trade, investment, economic impact and tourism, along with enhanced social, cultural and diplomatic relations.
Da Nang was the Host Port for the crew during the South East Asia stopover 21-26 February 2016. The British Embassy held a number of events during the Clipper Week and the backdrop of the British Clipper yacht provided an great opportunity for a ‘Giant Cheque’ presentation to Newborns Vietnam by Mr Nguyen Chi Trung, Managing Partner Grant Thornton with Giles Lever, British Ambassador to Vietnam. The funds come from the sale of the Grant Thornton annual hotel/tourism survey.