Dr Sue Blake, Newborns Vietnam Trustee and newly retired GP with a background in child development started her retirement with six weeks at the Da Nang neonatal unit. Sue has worked very closely with the Canterbury Christ Church academics observing and contributing to the teaching and practical sessions to identify any gaps on the nursing front particularly with regard to the hospital’s interest in moving to more baby focused care with greater parent involvement.
The senior doctor’s nurses, hospital director’s, nurses took part in brainstorming sessions, group discussions to identify their goals for adding value to the neonatal nurse training and developing the newborn care they can offer. One of the goals is to improve newborn care at a rural level and Sue made a number of visits to local hospitals and clinics and accompanied the nurses on home visits and of course by local transport – the trusty motorbike.
The assessment will form the basis for developing a Newborns Vietnam volunteer programme – initially this is likely to be very specific and focused more news as plans come are firmed up.